DPGA, Sector-7, Khanda Colony, New Panvel | Office - 9819283027 | Admission Enquiries - 9324052707 | dpganewpanvel@mes.ac.in

Subject Blocks Offered & Curriculum

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Subject Blocks Offered & Curriculum

Recommended Subject Blocks
Diploma Programme

A Levels**
ArchitectureEnglish Literature SL, Hindi SL, Business Management HL, Mathematics HL, Physics SL, Visual Arts HL Mathematics A2, Art and Design A2, Physics As, English As, Hindi As
Bio-engineering /
English Literature SL, Hindi SL, Business Management SL, Mathematics HL, Biology HL, Chemistry HL Mathematics A2, Physics A2, Chemistry A2, Biology A2, English As, Hindi As
EngineeringEnglish Literature SL, Hindi SL, Business Management SL, Mathematics HL, Physics HL, Chemistry HL Mathematics A2, Physics A2, Chemistry A2, English As, Hindi As
Fine ArtsEnglish Literature SL, Hindi HL, Business Management HL, Mathematical Studies SL, Biology SL, Visual Arts HL Business Studies A2, Art and Design A2, Economics A2, English As, Hindi As
Management Studies English Literature SL, Hindi HL, Business Management HL, Economics HL, Mathematical Studies SL, Biology SL Business Studies A2, Accounting A2, Economics A2, English As, Hindi As
Medicine / DentistryEnglish Literature SL, Hindi SL, Business Management SL, Mathematical Studies SL, Physics HL, Biology HL, Chemistry HL* Mathematics AS, Physics A2, Chemistry A2, Biology A2, English As, Hindi As
Medicine / EngineeringEnglish Literature SL, Hindi SL, Business Management SL, Mathematics HL, Physics HL, Biology HL, Chemistry HL* Mathematics A2, Physics A2, Chemistry A2, Biology A2, English As, Hindi As

* Special permission required
** Some subjects can be substituted and other subjects can be added

Other Courses:
A combination of subjects may be studied as per specific requirement of the student, subject to the feasibility of offering the combination of subjects in each group.

IGCSE Subject Blocks Offered
Minimum of seven subjects (English, Second language and Mathematics are compulsory). The other four can be chosen from either Group 1 or Group 2
English Literature or English as a First Language or English as a Second Language
French or Hindi
Core Mathematics or Extended Mathematics or International Mathematics
Group 1Group 2
Business Studies Chemistry
Art and Design ICT
Economics Economics
Additional Maths (Year 2)
Mandatory Research Project

Please note some subjects can be substituted and other subjects can be added

Other Courses:
A combination of subjects may be studied as per specific requirement of the student, subject to the feasibility of offering the combination of subjects in each group.

International Baccalaureate Forms for Subject Blocks Offered
Subject Selection
Group 1 English A: literature (SL/HL)
Group 2 Hindi B (SL/HL)
French B ab initio (SL)/ French B (SL)
Group 3 Business Management (SL/ HL)
Economics (SL/HL)
Psychology (SL/HL)
Environmental Systems and Societies (SL)
Group 4 Biology (SL/HL)
Chemistry (SL/HL)
Computer Science (SL/HL)
Physics (SL/HL)
Environmental Systems and Societies (SL)
Group 5 Mathematics (SL/HL)
Group 6 or Optional Subject from Group 3 or 4 Visual Art (SL/HL) or any other as per the preference
Compulsory Subjects Creativity, Activity, Service
Theory of Knowledge
Extended Essay

I have been counseled about the subjects required for the IGCSE programme. The school will recommend which courses should be taken at the core level or at the extended level.

Student's signature
Parent's / Guardian's Signature
Forms for IGCSE Cambridge International Exams Subject Selection
Subject Selection
Minimum of seven subjects (English, Second language and Mathematics are compulsory). The other four can be chosen from either Group 1 or Group 2English Literature or English as First Language or English as a Second Language
French or Hindi
Core Mathematics or Extended Mathematics or International Mathematics
Group 1Group 2
Business StudiesChemistry
Environmental ManagementBiology
Art and DesignICT
Additional Maths (Year 2)
MandatoryResearch Project

I have been counseled about the subjects required for the A level programme and understand the requirements for university admissions in India and abroad.

Student's signature
Parent's / Guardian's Signature
Forms for A Levels Cambridge International Exams Subject Selection
Subject Selection
Mandatory English (As/A2)
Optional Hindi (As/A2)
Art and Design (As/A2) or AICT (As/A2)
Group 1Group 2
Must pick a minimum of three subjects from either Group 1 or 2. Total subjects must be 5. Accounting (As/A2) Physics (As/A2)
Business Studies (As/A2)Chemistry (As/A2)
Mathematics (As/A2)Mathematics (As/A2)
Economics (As/A2) Biology (As/A2)

I have been counseled about the subjects required for the IGCSE programme. The school will recommend which courses should be taken at the core level or at the extended level.

Student's signature
Parent's / Guardian's Signature